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Aphrodisiac And Essence For Men′s Health Care Powder Plant Extract Antler

Product Name
Aphrodisiac and Essence for Men′ S Health Care Powder Plant Extract Antler

Product Description
Antler extract must be extracted from fresh velvet antler. When dried velvet antler is processed, most of the active growth factors of velvet antler will be destroyed after being steamed and dried at a high temperature of 150 degrees.
Fresh velvet antler extract is frozen at -40°C and ultra-low temperature, then sliced, crushed, homogenized, split, and freeze-dried. This technology preserves all the active growth factors of fresh velvet antler and is known as “live velvet antler”.
Fresh deer antler insulin-like growth factor IGF-1 is an anti-aging substance, also known as a youth-promoting factor. It can strengthen muscles, reduce fat, help the production of bones, muscles and nerves, and not only effectively prevent various physiological aging, but also Moreover, it can overcome various phenomena and diseases caused by aging in a wide range, thereby helping people to retain their youth.
Fresh deer antler is rich in fresh deer antler insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), fresh deer antler growth hormone (HGH), fresh deer antler growth promoting release factor (GHRF-6), fresh deer antler epidermal growth factor (EGF), fresh deer antler nerve growth factor (NGF), fresh deer antler fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and other products. And established the first “sika deer fresh velvet active peptide” gene library. The successful research and development of fresh deer antler extract, an anti-aging substance, will become a basic support platform for domestic and foreign scientific research institutions, health care products, and pharmaceutical companies to develop new products. It also laid the foundation for the research and development of new products in cosmetics, food and medicine.

Product Specification I

Product Name: Antler Extract
Part: Whole part
Appearance: Brown powder
Shelf Life:  2 Years

Product Specification II

Item Standard Test Result
Specification/Assay ≥99.0% 99.63%
Physical & Chemical
Appearance Brown fine powder Complies
Odor & Taste Characteristic Complies
Particle Size 100% pass 80 mesh Complies
Loss on Drying ≤5.0% 2.55%
Ash ≤1.0% 0.31%
Heavy Metal
Total Heavy Metal ≤10.0ppm Complies
Microbiological Test
Microbiological Test ≤1,000cfu/g Complies
Yeast & Mold ≤100cfu/g Complies
E.Coli Negative Negative
Salmonella Negative Negative

Product Application
1. It has the function of restoring youthful vitality, anti-aging, and rejuvenating the function of human organs.
2. Strengthen the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, and significantly improve neurological headaches.
3. Maintain normal blood, prevent allergies, promote blood circulation, lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood lipids.
4. Enhance memory, which is beneficial to alleviate Alzheimer’s disease and mental degeneration.
5. Enhance the body’s immune function and sexual function, and enhance the ability to resist various diseases.
6. Normalize the metabolism in the body and harmonize qi and blood.
7. Improve the whitening and brightening of the external skin by beautifying the body, eliminating wrinkles and spots, and making the skin smooth and rosy.
8. Lose weight, sculpt and eliminate fat globules in the body.
9. Promote wound healing and have other unexpected effects.

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